Junge Leute in EAB
Zur Übersicht

Europe is Female 2024: Together for equal rights

Europe is Female² ist ein Empowerment-Projekt mit jungen Frauen* aus Deutschland, Portugal, Slowenien und Rumänien

From 19 to 24 April 2024, our participants came together for the first seminar in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Here, the group was able to get to know each other for the first time and get an introduction to the topic. The first project week was organised and implemented by the partners My Madeira Island and Europäische Akademie Berlin.

Overview of the building blocks:

From 3 to 8 June 2024, the participants came together for the second seminar in Slovenia. Part of the time was spent in Trenta. The last day of the seminar and thus the joint final ritual were held in Ljubljana. The aim was to build on the results of the first seminar, deepen topics and expand thoughts and ideas.

The building blocks at a glance:

From 1 to 6 September 2024 the group came back together in Bucharest, Romania. Here, the participants were empowered to grow even closer as a group and continue working on the topics that were interesting and inspiring to them.

The building blocks included the following:

The final part of the project took place in Berlin from 13 to 18 November 2024. Here, all results and learnings from the previous sessions and experiences were united and shaped into an art exhibition, that was entirely created by the participants from all four countries. It was a space to connect one last time, celebrate the results that were created and take some more time in this established circle of trust to come together one final time.

The building blocks included:

Insights into the Vernissage

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immer donnerstags!

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